Thursday, July 19, 2007

Water Works

Water is one of the body’s most important elements.

Water makes up 65-75% of human body weight and is essential to all the body's functions. Our brain is more than 80% water. Our blood, which is red blood cells suspended in H2O, is 85% water. Water cushions our organs. Water transports nutrients throughout the body and filters toxins. Water affects our metabolism, digestion and elimination processes. For some, water even impacts stress levels, weight fluctuations, blood pressure and fevers.

Water works wonders on the external body by hydrating our skin cells keeping them plump and firm. Drinking 8 cups of purified, spring or distilled water daily washes toxins out of the system, giving you the best cost-effective glow.

War of the Waters
What we take in is as important as what we put on and no two waters are created equal! Spring water is labeled as being closest to nature, and while little or no processing or added chemicals makes spring water a better choice than tap, the source and quality are not guaranteed.

Chlorine wreaks havoc on hair and skin. Purified water is filtered, removing chlorine and most toxins, making this type of water excellent for use on the hair and body. Distilled water is by far one of the purest choices in water since it is evaporated and condensed like pure rain water.

Using filtered or distilled drinking and shower water helps your skin become softer and decreases hair breakage. Also, clean water tastes much better than tap so drinking 8 cups a day may actually become a realistic possibility!

What is Water?
Tea is not water. Juice is not water. Coffee is not water. Soda is not water. These are beverages are a combination of water and other particles… i.e. tannins and sugars. Tea, coffee and soda contain varying levels of caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and increases the rate at which the body tries to rid itself of urine and caffeine alters sodium levels. Juices contain various types of sugar. Even natural juices should be used alongside water and not in place of it since even the simplest sugars have some effect on the body. Most importantly your body has to process these beverages to end up with water… and why give ourselves extra work when we can just drink plain ‘ole water?

© T.I. Williams